Thursday, September 3, 2009

Oh, the horror!!

I have something to confide in you. It's... well, it's... it's really just... just really embarrassing. Traumatic even. You see, well... oh boy this is hard... you see, well, um, uh, well... I'm scheduled to be raped in a couple of months.
It's OK, don't gasp like that! Really, I'll get through it. I'll be OK, shaken and shocked, but I'll pull through. I know I will because the perpetrator has struck hundreds of thousands of other people, if not millions, and they seem to have come through their ordeal just fine, maybe a little shaken, but OK. So I know I will.
But you see what's galling is that none of the perpetrator's victims really were ever able to seek justice. See, there was nothing that could be done, no recourse. So while I know I'll pull through, I have to resign myself to the facts of the situation. Wait - what's that? You say you know a good lawyer that could help me, break new ground in bringing this despicable rapist to justice? I'd have to disagree, see, because the perp here is a real baddie, remorseless and cruel, and he's got lawyers on his side up the wazoo to kingdom come. See, his name is NEW YORK STATE.
Yes, I see your face blanching at the mere mention of his despicable name. But it's true. He's going to get me, I know it.
See, Mr. NY State will be forcibly relieving me of some thousands upon thousands of our hard earned, blood sweat and tears dollars, for absolutely no real reason I can discern. Maybe deep down, in his brooding, loathsome heart he fancies himself a modern day, perverse Robin Hood. But I really can't tell, his very thoughts and actions are constantly shrouded in a veil of secrecy and mystery. He calls this despicable act of rape - oh, the horror of its name! - New York State mortgage tax. Can you even comprehend the heinousness of the crime!? He even lends his name to this despicable act, as if it's his signature, his calling card move! It's not enough for him that he violates me year after year after year after year after year, like clockwork, on April 15. Now he wants more with this disgusting crime, the bloodthirsty savage that he is. I guess I should take some kind of perverse satisfaction that I draw so much of his attention, no? Then again, hundreds of thousands of innocents have fallen victim to this dastardly crime. But still. Each time leaves its scar and pain. There is no justice that can be served. One day, maybe, sometime in the future, I'll run and hide somewhere, into the nurturing arms of one of the other State family brothers or cousins, of which my perp is a member, where he can never touch me again, the dirty b**tard. May he be smitten one thousand times!


  1. AY, you are beginning to sound just like Andy Rooney!! And so much of your house buying anxiety could've been relieved if you had used me as your agent!! So what if I'm not licensed in New York? That's what we're there for...just ask Dovid Sukenik...or Shaul...or....And you worry too damned're way to young to be so ticked off about everything...the glass can be half full sometimes, too, ya know! But from your perspective, the glass is ALWAYS half emtpy, it's also cracked and leaking acid on your new suit...LIGHTEN UP!! You don't know what REAL problems are until you have kids, and never sleep again, and have to function whilst a zombie, and have to pay tuition for your brood (did you know yeshiva tuition is the most effective form of birth control?), sit back, relax, the best is yet to come !! And, you've got to start griping about something besides money...and who's going to believe that you sitting in a cushy, air-conditioned office crunching numbers in front of a HD flat screen computer to earn your bloated salary is tantamount to earning money with your "blood, sweat and tears"? Oh, come on barely perspire when you jog in 100 degree temps with 150% humidity! Get back to me when your job entails digging ditches in the broiling Arizona sun, for $35,000 a year...then you'll have something to complain about. Thus, spaketh Irene

    Keep me posted on your next Bald Musings...I find them A-Musing...

  2. Mrs V, you just awakened in me a yearning for hard manual labor in the broiling Arizona sun! I'm off next train I can get.
    My computer isn't HD, BTW - TERRIBLE! How can they do that to me?

