Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bravo, NJ!!!

Governor Chris Christie succeeded in getting a 2% property tax cap in NJ. Bravo!! Job well done, guv'na! It's not the most earth-shattering thing to happen in NJ vis a vis tax relief, but it's a start.

Read what NYS Governor David Paterson had to say about it here. Looks like NYS (at least some people in NYS) is looking south of the border and is starting to learn from their more progressive neighbors. Too bad that the impetus for reform has to come from outside stimuli...

Look carefully at Paterson's last sentence: “Now it is time for a similar agreement in New York, where families have waited long enough for property tax relief. And if Albany fails to deliver once again, those New Yorkers may be forced to look to two of our neighbors now – New Jersey and Massachusetts – to find the property tax relief they deserve here.”  He's not implying that New Yorkers may actually leave the state and take their potential tax revenues with them, should the tax burden become to great to bear, is he? IS HE??? Nah. Why would anyone do that...??