Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A little housekeeping

Got a request.

Can everyone just post comments to the blog itself? Just click on 'comments' under each post or, if you click on the title of each post, look for a window that says 'post your comment' or something like that.

Please do this vs responding to the blog email. Makes for better management of the whole thing + encourages & facilitates discussion.



  1. i agree that too much makeup can be problematic. but i sometimes feel that the charedi community sows the seeds of discontent and rebellion amomg its kids by being unreasonably strict at times. it is always well to remember the shvil hazahav of the rambam.

  2. I don't know who your Daddy is but he posted his comment in the wrong place. My Blog had the same issue with people replying to the email instead of posting comments on the blog itself (and yes, you too were a culprit). That's why I stopped sending the auto-emails and why I thought that you would too (as per your announcement).
